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Kainuun Luontoretket follow the path of Visit Finland's responsible
tourism aiming to qualify for the STF (Sustainable Travel Finland) label
in 2022.

The company has received the ECEAT (European Centre for Ecological and
Agricultural Tourism) certificate in early 2022.

The company is thoroughly motivated to pursue sustainable development in
its activities.

Circular economy has been our key priority in planning and constructing
the buildings.

Energy is generated by solar power system.

Daily need of electricity is produced by solar energy system because
Joukojärvi shore is out of reach of the electric network. During winter
and other darkest times of the year the accumulators are loaded with
aggregates. We tend to brief our customers how to save electricity.

The rental, electric-assisted fatbikes are solar powered, and
replacement batteries are available.
To transfer the bikes to reach Sininen Saavutus Route across the lake,
there is a ferry with an electric outboard motor equipped with solar
charged battery.

We emphasize safety first and foremost in all our activities. We guide
our customers through the use of rental equipment and give tips on
excursions, taking into account different skill levels as well as the
most challenging places in the terrain and waters.

In catering we prefer local ingredients such as fish and mushrooms,
including some organic food. When having a meal outdoors we use
disposable plates made of aspen -  products of our own.

Water from a well and a lake is used as domestic water, which must be
carried in but can be poured out along the sewers into the absorption

Household waste is composted in a quick composter. The outdoor toilets
are composting ones. The composted material is used to fertilize
woodland. Chilled ashes are good fertilizers as well.